man with blue and maroon camping bag

Got Relationship?

My mom used to say that flowers and women need special care in order for them to blossom beautifully. It is true mostly (Is that a word?). One might argue that wild flowers do not need special care, they just grow by themselves without fuss and bloom effortlessly. Likewise, there are women who are naturally beautiful even without make up, styled hair, etc. – not fair 🙁 Did I say that out loud? Anyways, that’s why I said “mostly”.

We also need to take care of our relationships for them to bloom. We need to invest time and be patient to reap the results of beautiful blossom of frienship. Aha, the key here is “patient”. The friends need to go through thick and thin together and overlook offenses that come along the way.

I also heard that it gets more difficult to make friends as we get older. If that is true. Why is that? Do we get more impatient with ourselves and with our friends? Do we get tired of making new relationships and cultivating them? Is it part of losing innocent outlook toward life and become more cynical and less trusting?

Can we learn from our best pet friends, especially dogs? Cats may not be a good example. I am a dog person, so I admit that I am biased. Dogs are unconditional. They do not have a concept of being offended. They might get hurt or disappointed. But, they do not get offended. That’s because they are humble. They do not think they are better than their human owners. Aha, another key, humility. Now, it makes me wonder. Am I patient with people? Am I humble? I guess it can be measured by the friendships I have …

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